tbzs' simplex community
simplex is an emerging new chat app, and it's one i've come to love — here you'll find everything you'll ever need to become a next level internet yapper
first off, if you're new to simplex i encourage you to read through the official apps homepage here, it covers all the security and privacy improvements it offers over other chat apps, and how it evades the pitfalls of many other secure messengers. in my mind, simplex is the epitomy of ease of use, security and privacy — i've been using it since 2022~, and i could not be more of a shill for it! i'm a true simplex evangelist!
links to download simplex for your platform of choice can be found right here.
Linux - Flatpak - Windows - Mac - iOS - F-Droid - Google Play
how to help simplex stay strong
simplex is young, and for it to grow into the strong and decentralized network it hopes to be we should all put in a little bit of effort to help it achieve that. the best thing users can do is to add custom simplex servers to their server list, ones not run by simplex themselves. this helps enourmously with diversifying the network and distrubuting trust away from a central source and instead to a global network of people and collectives, increasing the health of network, preventing censorship, as well as increasing user privacy, especially if users opt to use servers with metrics disabled (like mine!), from good hosts (like mine!!) and that the server they're using has enough active users to help them blend into the crowd (h-hopefully like mine!!!). that last part is what i'm hopping (get it? hopping?) to achieve, by creating resources and a small community for everyone, i hope it'll help in increasing the amount of users who choose to add tbz simplex servers to their network list (and other servers too, more than mine exist!) — so if you've read this far, go add it to your network list!!in the future i'll write more about the technical details of simplex, and why i choose to trust as much as i do, so hit that BOOKMARK button and become part of the bunny gang! merch drop and rebranded soda drink coming SOON.
let's add our custom servers!
in its current form, adding servers is a little clunky, but it's easy enough! below you'll find a screenshot by screenshot guide on how to do it, and you can also check out the official documentation here (i find it confusing personally). make sure you enable "use for new connections" if you want the server to be used at all, otherwise it's just gonna chill and do nothing. and if you want to only use custom servers, you can head to your settings > network and servers > simplex/flux and toggle off "to recieve" and "for private routing" - you can also toggle off "use servers", but make sure you have custom XFTP servers set up before toggling this, as tbz doesn't (yet) offer those!servers with a minus to their left of their name = not used to establish new connections, but will still be used for connections already established with that server. if you'd like to change the server used for a connection that's already established, simply click on a contact and tap "change recieving network address" like so;
this'll roll a dice and pick a random server to use based on which ones you currently have enabled! do this *after* you've added your custom servers.if you disable the official servers, make sure to also generate a new contact link after doing this so that people who use your link to add you will make the connection via the custom servers you've added! the pictures here go from left to right, and this is my SMP server that you'll want to add:
don't forget to click save!
sharing your contact / connection links
this here is a little bit extra, but when you create your simplex address you'll notice that it starts with `simplex.chat`, and opening the url in your browser will, well, bring you to simplex.chat! — if you'd like to not use the official url chat thingy, feel free to use mine, just replace `simplex.chat` with `thebunny.zone` in your contact link and you'll have a new, downgra- i-improved and cuter link! you can also replace it with tbzs' onion url instead, it'll work the same! (curious about what tbzs' contact page looks like? check it out here: https://thebunny.zone/contact).the developers are currently working on having all custom smp servers host their own contact pages so this step will become less important with time — i'm excited to see what they come up with!
finding and sharing groups with the bunny burrow
you may've noticed that there aren't many great ways to find simplex groups currently, there's the official directory bot and the other one we dont talk about — that's literally it. well now there's a third, the bunny burrow! to connect with it and find groups, simply paste its contact link into your app, or visit the link directly in your web browser to find instructions on how to do so~ (via my custom contact page of course!).
click to join!
you're all free to submit your groups, i promise to reach out to you directly if there's any reason i'm hesitant to accept something, and if i somehow miss you or your group please contact me! this site and everything it hosts is for all of us, it's run by me but that's about all the say i want to have in things — rules, guidelines and everything else is up for you all to decide!* within reason. >w<
about hosting an XFTP server
g-guys, i've been strong up till now.. i've been keeping a terrible secret..... i'm... i-i'm poor..! between everything i host, it costs about 540~ euro a year, and while i can cover this, i can't cover anything more than it. if you all would like to see additional services hosted (starting with an XFTP server), please consider donating! *all* donations stay here for use *only* to improve tbz — you've got a yapper guarentee on that! please see the donation page >here<, once an XFTP server is up, this part of the page will be NUKED!🤍
(please remember that if you decide to create an anonymous identity, and you make friends using it, you could one day lose all contact with your connections. maybe you dropped your phone, maybe your friend lost theirs, maybe your hard drive failed — anything can happen. so i highly recommend you remember the fragility of your connections on simplex. it's a good idea to join a group that allows DMs so that if you do lose contact, you can reach out to them again by finding them in the member list, or by saying hello in the group chat. if you get close to someone, it might even be worth trading your non anonymous social media accounts with them — but only do this if you have ultimate trust in them, and if you're in a situation where your real life identity being discovered could lead to something terrible — always, *always* put your safety first. on the inverse of this, if someone is important to you, consider creating a silly phrase with each other to test if they're the real person, eg. "what color are your eyes?: pink" (THIS IS MY SECRET PHRASE DONT STEAL IT ALSO DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT))
🗨️🐿️ Bunny Burrow 🦥💬

Come join the Bunny Burrow, a SimpleX directory bot to find and share groups!